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Some information on therapy
TheDevelopmental Neuro and Psychomotricity therapist(TNPEE) or neuropsychomotor specialist is the healthcare operator who, in possession of the qualifying university diploma, deals with interventions for the prevention, evaluation and treatment of childhood neuropsychiatric disorders, in the areas of neuro-psychomotor skills, neuropsychology and developmental psychopathology.
It identifies personalized and specific therapeutic interventions for each patient following a clinical evaluation capable of detecting the emerging functions of the child and its development potential.
The therapeutic and rehabilitative interventions concern perceptual-motor and neurocognitive disorders, symbolization and interaction and relationship disorders from early childhood, aimed at children and adolescents aged 0-18 who present risks, delays or disorders of the development process that cause malfunctions and disabilities.
It also collaborates within the multidisciplinary team the drafting of the functional diagnosis, the functional dynamic profile and the individualized educational plan. The neuro and psychomotricity therapist of the developmental age can also carry out study, teaching and specific applied research activities, as well as professional consultancy and training for other figures.
Video realizzato in occasione del Concorso "Nelle mani giuste"
developmental neuropsychomotor specialist
Le principali patologie che possono beneficiare di un trattamento neuropsicomotorio sono:
Ritardo Psicomotorio, Disturbo Evolutivo Specifico della Funzione Motoria (Disprassia),
Disturbo dell’Espressione Scritta (Disgrafia), Disturbo della Relazione e del Comportamento,
Disturbo da Deficit di Attenzione con o senza Iperattività (ADHD), Sindromi Genetiche, Disabilità Intellettiva,
Disturbi Pervasivi dello Sviluppo, Disturbi specifici dell'apprendimento,
Disturbi dello spettro dell'Autismo, Disturbi Neurologici, Malattie Neuromuscolari,
Paralisi Cerebrali Infantili, Disturbi Sensoriali.